Through our COVID-19 response initiatives, the team at Fortuna Advisory has hosted and been part of several webinars with leading experts from the industry to give you an understanding about some of the most pressing topics around COVID-19. We want to give you the chance to view the webinar recordings at your ease and give you access of the information that might help you or your business.

Post COVID-19 Funding

Are you ready for what will happen next when the government funding stops? Melvyn Gilbert presents on how to anticipate trends and proactively plan to ensure that your business is positioned for success by identifying opportunities and risks when the next economic wave hits WA: post-government funding.


Standard vs Testamentary Wills: Which one Will you choose?

Standard vs Testamentary Wills - is your will comprehensive and effective? Nathan Sgro, Lawyer at Fortuna Legal, talks about what is required to ensure that your legacy is passed on just as you intended.


Shift in thinking: How to manage personal wealth during COVID-19

With the next economic wave expected to hit when the government funding stops, it is helpful to understand the shifts that are taking place in the market and to take advantage of opportunities to grow your wealth.

How to finance your business and alternative measures

This video explains the shifts that are taking place in the market and to know what your alternatives are so that you can effectively manage your business. With the next economic wave expected to hit us, we would like to help our clients to best prepare for this change.

Cashflow Management, Key Financial Controls & Funding: Construction Industry

Effective solutions for builders/large trades facing challenges in ensuring that projects meet time and financial constraints. Historically, the construction industry has been a backbone of the economy of Western Australia and the recently announced home stimulus package has been received with much enthusiasm.

JobKeeper 2 0 - Expert Updates with LIVE Q&A

The Federal Government has announced extensions of the JobKeeper payment to 28 March 2021 and there are many questions surrounding the updated legislation. The webinar presents updates on the newly tightened Australian government stimulus package.



Demystifying the Home Owner Grants & Home Builders Grants

The Australian Federal and Western Australian State governments have recently released a stimulus package to aid the construction industry. Our Finance and Legal Experts presented a LIVE webinar followed by a Q&A section to cover the most important aspects of the Home Ownership and Home Builders Grants available.

Rebuilding Your Business - Reposition, Pivot, Collaboration Strategies Webinar 

The webinar "Rebuilding Your Business" outlines effective strategies during these extraordinary times, and discusses how to engage one of these much-discussed strategies: reposition, pivot & collaboration.

Tips on how businesses can thrive through COVID-19

Watch Dinesh Aggarwal, Founder and MD of The Fortuna Advisory Group talking about Business Strategies, how brands can thrive through COVID-19, and much more.  This interview series was conducted by Shil Shanghavi, Chatterchief of ChatterBox Public Speaking.

The webinar is divided into four parts

Business Strategies to Survive & Thrive 

Key Takeaways:

  • Definitive actions you can take now to survive through crisis
  • How to control costs and manage cash flow
  • What relief measures to look for and how to maximise tax benefits
  • What opportunities are emerging and to keep an eye for
  • Evolving business models and what’s the new future
JobKeeper Legislation Passed -Final Details Revealed

The JobKeeper legislation has just been passed and we received a large number of registrations as well as questions that have been addressed in the webinar.

Business Continuity Planning with Wanneroo Business Association (WBA)
Business Continuity Planning is vital in times of crisis in order to manage uncertainties well. Our expert finance and legal team will help you prepare for these challenging season.
Exclusive for Family Day Care Educators - JobKeeper Legislation Webinar

As the Parliament has passed the legislation to place JobKeeper into effect, we unpacked and answered your questions including when and how much money a business owner can receive from the program. The webinar is hosted by Dinesh Aggarwal- who's also a co-panellist to our insightful sought-after speaker, Stephen Gethin.

Top 5 Tax Planning Strategies 2021

Did you catch our online webinar discussing the top 5 tax planning strategies for 2021 with expert tax advisor Dinesh Aggarwal? If not, you can now access the full video and webinar here.

Top 5 Tax Planning Strategies 2020

Tax planning before the financial year-end is a crucial time for businesses. During this time businesses can adopt certain strategies and plan methodologies available in the tax legislation to legitimately reduce tax. Dinesh Aggarwal, the Managing Director and Founder of The Fortuna Advisory Group will take you through the top five tax planning strategies.

Education series - Building a Legacy

Watch this inspiring clip that will reveal what his personal and professional struggles are and how we persisted in overcoming them.

For entrepreneurs or those wanting to ambitiously grow your business, this is a transformative and real story with lessons learnt along the way.

The difference between Cashflow and FundFlow

This is an informative webinar that will help you gauge the controls that you have placed for your business and ensure that you have the right tools to monitor and steer it towards success.

Online Event: "I've made a profit, where's my cash" with Fortuna Advisory Group CFO, Simon Turner

Did you catch our online presentation where Simon Turner, CFO, outlined the vital skills and processes you need to implement to ensure you are aware of where...

Top 5 Tax Planning Strategies for 2021 with Dinesh Aggarwal

Control the Pulse of Your Business - Ratios (EBIDTA and DSCR) - Dinesh Aggarwal

Control the Pulse of Your Business - Working Capital - Dinesh Aggarwal

Control the Pulse of Your Business - Cash Flow vs Fund Flow - Dinesh Aggarwal

Control the Pulse of Your Business - Introduction - Dinesh Aggarwal

Building your Legacy (Highlights)

Building your Legacy, Speech by Dinesh Aggarwal, WA Leaders

Lessons Learnt from Setbacks - Building Your Legacy Presentation by Dinesh Aggarwal

Overcoming Your Challenges - Building Your Legacy Presentation by Dinesh Aggarwal

Overcoming Your Inhibitions - Building Your Legacy Presentation by Dinesh Aggarwal

Business Leader Series with Dinesh Aggarwal of Fortuna Advisory Group

Growth & Expansion - Acquisitions

Growth & Expansion - Organic Growth Pitfalls

Growth & Expansion - To Franchise or Not To Franchise

Business Leader Series with Dinesh Aggarwal of Fortuna Advisory Group - Part 1

Business Leader Series with Dinesh Aggarwal of Fortuna Advisory Group - Part 2

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